Roman Forums, Rome

The ruins of the Roman Forum, viewed from the Palatine Hill. The 'Via Sacra' runs across the view, from the Capitoline Hill on the left, pass the Curia (Senate House), towards the Colosseum on the right.


Equirectangular Projection:

Roman Forums. Summer 2008.

The image covers just under 180 degree, therefore can't be displayed as rectalinear image. Using an equirectangular projection gives the rectangular garden of the 'Casa delle Vestali', in the foreground, a pronounced curve.

Triplane Projection:

Roman Forums. Summer 2008.

By projecting the image onto three angled flat planes the pronounced curve can be avoided. This allows the garden to be shown as a rectangle, whilst the two sides of the image slope away. Careful inspection of the building on either side does show abrupt changes in angle of what should be straight walls. This projection was introduced in Panotools and used by Hugin 0.8.

Zoomable Hi-resolution version

The above test image was stitched from five frames, taken with constant exposures. The resulting image is much larger than the 800 pixel wide image shown above. However given the large field of view, under close inspection it lacks detail. The following shows a set of frames for joining into a hi-resolution image.

Stitching 27 frames in three rows, gives an resulting image size of just over 150MPixel (19622*8105pixels). Since the original files where 10MPixels, there is clearly far more overlap than strictly necessary. With only moderate compression the image as a jpeg is over 35MB. Too large to be displayed as a single file, once again various plugins are available to display such a file.